Karolinska Institutet

KI, founded in 1810, is Sweden’s only university especially focusing on biomedical sciences and accounts for 40% of all medical research in Sweden. In addition, KI annually awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. KI is one of the world’s leading medical universities and ranks as 12th in the world and 2nd in Europe in the field of medicine.
MSC laboratory
The perinatal regenerative medicine laboratory of Associate Professor Cecilia Götherström have extensive experience in culturing human mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) for experimental and clinical use.
Fetal Medicine Centre
The National Centre for Fetal Medicine at Karolinska University Hospital is the only centre in Sweden granted permission to provide fetal therapy.
OI Centre
The National Paediatric OI-Team at Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital evaluates and manages all children with severe types of OI in Sweden.
Postnatal infusion
The Haematology/Immunology/Stem Cell Transplant Section at the Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital has vast experience of stem cell transplantation to paediatric patients.
GMP Facility
Vecura at Karolinska Cell Therapy Center belongs to Karolinska University Hospital and is closely linked to KI. It is a national facility for manufacturing of advanced therapies, and plays a pivotal role in the translation of novel cell therapies.
Role in project:
The KI will be the Coordinator of the project and run the clinical trial. KI will:
Manufacture, analyse and deliver MSC to all clinical centres;
Identify pregnancies with fetuses affected by OI and neonates/children with OI and recruit to the study for intervention or observation;
Perform prenatal and postnatal transplantation of fetal MSC to treat OI, and long-term follow up of cases and controls;
Participate in and support all WPs.
Clinical trial sponsor
Contributing staff:

Cecilia Götherström

Magnus Westgren

Pontus Blomberg

Eva Åström

Lilian Walther-Jallow

Mikael Sundin

Peter Lindgren

Åsa Ekblad

Annika Goos