University Medical Centre Utrecht

The University Medical Center Utrecht (Dutch: Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht) or UMCU is the main hospital of the city of Utrecht. It is affiliated with the Utrecht University. Since the foundation of the university in 1636 an academic hospital has existed in various forms. Nowadays the UMC Utrecht comprises the academic hospital, the faculty of Medicine as well as the Wilhelmina Children's hospital (Dutch: Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis, WKZ) In total approximately 10,000 people work at the UMCU including medical staff, nursing staff, residents, support personnel and researchers, making it one of the largest hospitals in the Netherlands. The Wilhelmina Children's Hospital is a top independent clinical hospital where seriously ill children are treated when other hospitals in the Netherlands are unable to properly treat them.
The department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the WKZ is the national referral centre for Osteogenesis Imperfecta in children.
Role in project:
The WKZ-UMCU will carry out paediatric OI care with long term follow up of cases and controls, and select and recruit cases for the historic control group. Post natal stem cell transplantations will be done in UMCU-Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital.
Contributing staff:

Ralph Sakkers

Atty van Dijk

Pauline Scholten